Sunday, March 22, 2009

Traditions ~ The Sap is Running


We all know family traditions are important.
When we were first married, I tried to be very intentional about establishing traditions. What I found was that most of the ideas out there revolve around families bigger than 2!! Many of the suggestions are focused on kids. Somewhere along the way I forgot about establishing traditions. Looking back, our traditions have naturally evolved out of living through the seasons with Larry who loves events of all kinds!

St. Patrick's Day at the Buffalo Irish Center and going to the sugar bush during Maple Weekend are two of our favorite traditions. This year we chose Moores in Freedom, NY. We decided to leave early since last year arriving at 1pm put us right in the middle of the crowds.

First we had breakfast at the pancake house. Best pancakes I have ever had!! Thin, eggy and hot- more like crepes than heavy pancakes. Then we left on the wagon for the woods. It is so peaceful to be in the woods on a crisp, sunny morning!!
I couldn't NOT take this picture. I'm sure most of you had the same thing come to mind that I did...
Two roads converged in the woods... And I took the road less traveled... And that has made the difference! Robert Frost.
Here we are learning that adding a vacuum pump at the end of the lines increases the sap flow by upwards of 50%.
Did I say it was CRISP?? read COLD!!


Down the road from Moores there was a field full of junk. Someday I will blog about how drawn I feel to these places. My grandma's maiden name was PICkUP!!

Where other people see an ugly mess I see a collage of life and possibilities. Who know what secrets can be revealed by exploring such places.

A weathered gardening hutch slumped in the middle of the muddle. I wanted a picture! (Truth is I wanted to take home the gardening hutch but that was not an option!) Larry turned the car around and we went back so I could take pictures only to find my batteries were dead. Maybe I can convince him we need to go back for more pancakes.

Next blog- What' on my bookshelf these days??
I am trying to learn layers and having a hard time teaching myself!!!
Vicki Spandell says that when kids draw in preparation for writing they have composed a story, plot and all before ever writing a word. With all the focus on push push push - this is a concept we need to pay attention to!!

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