Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh No Not AGAIN!!

I am getting a "getting old" complex!!

One day last week my car took me to my normal morning stop. The new Tim Horton's on Southwestern is now my Timmies of choice since it is less than a mile from our house.

I was later than usual which meant the garbage truck was blocking the drive thru! After a few "it never fails" I parked and actually went in to the establishment to get my fix for the morning.
Yes- it is true, I can not function until I have downed my extra large, double cream, double cup, tanker of coffee.

Having lost my most of my voice, I croaked out my order. A sweet young man (not pictured above) smiled and went off to get my elixir. Putting my order in the register he said "With your discount for being such a YOUNG lady, your order comes to ..."
It took me a minute to realize I had just been given the SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT!!! Choking on my own spit, I asked him at what age the discount started. He told me 55. (Thank goodness- I was expecting 65) I told him I had not quite reached that age yet but I appreciated the discount. He gave me a look like "who are you kidding lady" and handed me my coffee.

Driving to work found me entertaining all kinds of get young quick ideas. I could get a Mohawk, dye my hair green, get 11 or 12 piercings, start taking HGH, have several surgeries or ..... deal with it!! Hand me the cards, I think I'll deal!!

Footnote: all of the pic above were scrounged from the net and are not a true representation of the characters in this crime scene!!

1 comment:

  1. You're the youngest lady I know!!! Don't let it get you down. You are more active than some 20 year olds I know:) Love you and hope you are feeling better.
