Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan Boyle - our critical culture

By now everyone has heard Susan Boyle sing. (Click above) I admit I have listened over and over. I just keep dragging the arrow back to (almost) the beginning to hear her sing again.

What has amazed me is the awful comments people feel free to write. I have scoured the net for articles about her. Everyone uses words like dowdy, frumpy, bushy eyebrows, peach fuzz face, ulgy dress, ulgy shoes.

Here is just one example - while talking about the Larry King show..

"I thought we'd never get to Boyle -- but then there she was, in all her un-tweezed glory. And wearing Wilma Flintstone beads, to boot! "

Who have we become as people and what are we teaching our children?

I know the internet has given people a forum to say awful things with no accountability. But what does it say about we value as a people that "we" take the liberty to say awful, mean, hurtful things without blinking an eye?

I saw one article titled "What if Susan Boyle had not had a wonderful voice?"

What if? Was she then worthy of mocking and insults?

What if?

What we fail to recognize is the old adage that when you point a finger at someone there are four fingers pointing back at you.

Our subconscious is powerful!
It can't help but start sending questions to our hearts..

***What about me?
******I don't look like a model...
******I don't sing like a bird...
******I don't have the latest fashions...
******How would I be judged?
******Do I have any worth?

Could this be the reason for the verse...
Judge not lest you be judged?


  1. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar o meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  2. Outstanding! Well said. It seems that in the past, when evaluating a perspecitve employee or an actual employee, someone's worth was judged by performace. There has always been the tendency to like the pretty people more than the less pretty, but we knew that the true test of worth to a company was performance and results. Now, our society seems to judge 50% accomplishments and 50% looks. We will not hire a president that is not attractive. We judge Susan Boyle on her singing ability, her stage presents, her charisma. But for sure, she will not become a success unless she changes her look. I don't like the change our culture has moved towards. Have I been swept up into that thinking also? Probably. That's why I like reading a post like this. Remind me of my prejudice and stop that way of thinking. Hopefully others will do the same.
