Thursday, August 21, 2008


I never watch MONTEL but this morning as I was flipping through looking for Olympic coverage, I heard him talking about ADD, so I stopped. Yep same old story. I have been getting this message for 20 years. If you want to be healthy stop eating dairy, wheat and nightshade veggies.

Don't panic - this isn't for everyone- but I've had the tests and they all say the same thing. STOP!!! I did - for a whole year back when I was 28 or so. I did not have the dramatic change in energy level and general well being that most people have so the motivation wore off. But now......

I guess I am going to have to decide once and for all. Is my health worth it??

I really love cheese, bread and sauce. What is dinner without pasta and Prego??? This is turning out to be a tough thing for me and I am hearing the same message no matter where I go or who I talk to. I just picked up a book on healing ADD ~~ guess what ~~NO WHEAT, NO DAIRY, NO NIGHTSHADE VEGGIES.
My mother in law gives me the Arthritis Today mag and ~~surprise, surprise~~NO WHEAT, NO DAIRY, NO NIGHTSHADE VEGGIES if you want to ward off inflamation
I had my hands x-rayed at the doctors last week. The deterioration in the past 4 years was dramatic. YIKES. That was a wake up call.

I think there is a spiritual battle here too. I don't wanna have to cook and eat different than everyone else. I want to be able to grab sandwiches at a sub shop and stop for ice cream at DQ. I don't want to have to think ahead every time I go somewhere. But I do want to be healthy and be able to live a full life. So once again- I get to choose.

This is only the beginning ~again~ for the 100th time!! I'll let you know how it goes. If only .... I could have Oprah's chef at my house.

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