Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I am blessed beyond measure ...

I am blessed beyond measure...

There is one thing about life than not many would debate.

Life breaks your heart...

All of us, whether we know it or not, whether we admit it or not, have had our hearts broken by life's seen and unseen, known and unknown cruelties. Because of our hurt we build walls of pain in our hearts. In protecting ourselves we shut out and hurt others. Those walls separate us from people we cherish.

I have been separated from these three, beautiful little girls for more than a decade. Once upon a time I was their Aunt Sharon. We played and laughed and cuddled and sang silly songs and all fell asleep together on a big, bumpy pull out couch. Then the stuff off life got in the way. The storms came and our wounds were deep. We built thick, strong walls of pain to protect our hearts. Those walls have kept us apart.

Those three little girls are now beautiful women with families of their own. Grace alone has brought us back together. God in his mercy has sent showers of blessing and made it possible for us to reconnect.

Reconnect sounds so blah. I don't mean reconnect as in sharing about our accomplishments, favorite vacations or taking a walk down memory lane. The biggest miracle has the freedom we have felt to share our stories, reveal our hearts and embrace healing.

I am thrilled that this is only the beginning of the story. We are just learning to trust again, to love again, to know each other again. I'm sure the road will have bumps- it always does. But I am anxious to enjoy the beautiful tapestry as God weaves our lives back together. For now I am blessed beyond measure to be "Aunt Sharon" again.


  1. Aunt Sharon-I, too, am blessed beyond measure to have you in my life again. Thank you Lord Jesus for bringing us back together in heart, soul, and body! I love you.

  2. Oh....I forgot to mention....your blog looks awesome!!!!

  3. What a wonderful blessing. May the grace that made the reuniting possible bless it even more!!!!
