Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vacation Inertia

Vacation Inertia

- Do you ever experience it??

I find myself in that weird wasteland between vacation and real life. Having just returned from a very fun and busy trip to San Francisco and Sacramento I find myself wandering around not quite sure what to do.

Before I left on vacation I could shower, get dressed and be out of the house in 30 minutes. After returning the same 30 minutes is being spent on remembering how to turn on the shower and where I put my clothes. I’m lucky to leave the house at noon.

Before I left on vacation I had multiple lists going for packing, ending the school year and chores for our teenage helper to do while we were gone. After returning lists seem to make no sense, I watch the suitcases but they don’t seem to be unpacking themselves, I can’t seem to remember the teenager's name or how much I owe him and as for school it is a distant memory.

Before I left on vacation I had a plan for getting the house and meals ready for my sisters who are arriving next Thursday. Every day had assignments and I was confident I could be ready. After returning the days are slipping by with no progress, no lists and no motivation!!

I must admit this happens to me every summer but not to this extent. I have always wondered why during the school year it takes me 15 minutes to clean the bathroom but in the summer it may take an hour or two! I know soon I will be able to kick it into gear. I think this may just be my re-entry process. (Remember the early astronauts)

For those linear processing folks out there, I envy your ability to just keep walking the straight line- one thought after another, one task after another, one event after another- all in straight line. You probably can’t imagine this process.

But for my global processing kin-folk- I’m sure you can relate. Our way of thinking and processing is frustrating sometimes but at other times it can be a glorious delight!!

…And for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about just enjoy the ride- isn’t that what blogs are for??? Monitor your re-entry next time you return from a vacation – it may clue you in.

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