Sunday, July 20, 2008

Praying in Color

Sometimes when I go to a bookstore or library without a plan, I feel overwhelmed by the choices. I decided to ask God to help me find the one book I really needed to buy or read.

On a cold, spitting day last winter, I wandered around the library, wishing for a book to warm my heart. Frustrated by my lack of treasure finding ~ I asked. He answered! There in the "New Non-Fiction" section was a skinny book, tucked and twisted behind a thick academic looking tome, but it that caught my eye.

Praying in Color by Sybil MacBeth was the book. As I paged through, I caught a sentence about being overwhelmed with so many needs to pray for. I was hooked. Luckily I was able to renew it twice online, and managed a third forced renewal.

The book made the rounds through my friends. K sent an email with the subject line “I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ALL MY LIFE”. However, sharing the book with friends surprised me! I found out this book is not for everyone. Some women responded like they had found the answer to their "prayers". (Pun intended) Others thought it was too much bother or work. One woman said she would just rather journal and not fuss with colors. I think the difference is your personal "way of thinking" or processing.

If you are more right-brained like me, you probably will love this book!! It will set you free in many ways!! If you are more-left brained you may not respond to the book- but who knows???

That's all I will say for now. I'll leave the adventure up to you. I'd love to hear what you think!!


This is the back cover...

1 comment:

  1. ok, so random. i was looking over the list of blogs on the right and noticed that i read confessions of a cf husband too! How did you start reading it? I also read how about Oragne. Isn't that bizarre!!! Out of 1000's of blogs, we both are making some of the same stops! I find that totally crazy.
